Embarcadero Municipal Improvement District – EMID
The Embarcadero Municipal Improvement District is located in Tecolote Canyon in the western portion of Goleta Valley, Santa Barbara County. The District boundaries encompass approximately 1,200 acres. Rancho Embarcadero, the primary residential portion of the District service area, is a low density subdivision consisting of 177 acre lots. Also within District boundaries is a 900 acre avocado ranch, a 20 acre parcel which the District intends to maintain as parkland as a buffer against further development to the West, and the beachfront parcel currently the site of a resort hotel.
EMID was created by a special act of the State Legislature in 1960. Under the enabling legislation (Embarcadero Municipal Improvement District Act, Chapter 81, Statutes of 1960, First Extraordinary Session), EMID’s authorized powers include construction and management of sewage facilities, water facilities, parks and recreation facilities, street lighting facilities, storm drainage, and enforcement of regulations regarding solid waste, water, lighting, storm water/flood control, and fire and police protection. These powers were modified in 1980 by Senate Bill 1917, authorizing EMID to establish The Embarcadero Architectural Committee for the purposes of reviewing and approving construction within District boundaries, regulating animal control and enforcing covenants, conditions and restrictions, and further permitting the committee to impose and collect fees for services rendered.

The District currently provides services related to parks and recreation, wastewater collection and treatment, open space maintenance, solid waste collection and disposal, water conservation, drainage/flood control system construction and maintenance, road maintenance, insect control, animal control, fire prevention, community services, and emergency and safety services.
In addition to these currently provided services, EMID has the legal authority to respond to contingencies and emergencies, and to provide services to all areas within its boundaries.
EMID is governed by a five person board of directors, elected at large, for four alternating terms.
Public open meetings are held monthly at the EMID Community Center located at 224 Vereda Leyenda, Goleta.
EMID administration is provided by a district manager, whose job is to carry out the policies of the board of directors.